We will continue to update this page as planning for SUNYMEU 2024 continues.
Q: What is SUNYMEU?
A: SUNYMEU is a simulation of the end of six-month presidency of the Council. SUNYMEU simulates the agreement of Council Conclusions, which in the EU serves to guide the EU institutions (the Commission, the Council, and the European Parliament) over the next several months. SUNYMEU 2024 simulates the Belgian Presidency (January-June 2024). The trio is Spain, Belgium, and Hungary.
Samples: SUNYMEU 2022 Conclusions SUNYMEU 2023 Conclusions
Q: How long is SUNYMEU?
A: SUNYMEU 2024 is a 2-1/2 day event. It begins Friday, April 12 in the afternoon and ends with distribution of awards, certificates of completion, delegation photos, followed by a light reception on Sunday, April 14.
Q: Are there optional activities?
A: Yes.
There are four optional events offered for SUNYMEU 2024.
Thursday, April 11 (3 p.m. - 6 p.m.) Niagara Falls State Park (pick up and return, Best Western on the Avenue) FREE
Thursday, April 11 (7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.) Dinosaur BBQ 301 Franklin St. (walking distance from the Best Western) (pay for your own dinner)
Friday, April 12 (10 a.m. Buffalo City Hall - leave Best Western at 9:30 a.m.) FREE
Saturday, April 13 (7 p.m. - 9 p.m.) Student Mixer at Day's Park Tavern (walking distance from the BW). $15 includes buffet dinner and one drink ticket. You DO NOT need to be 21 to attend the student mixer.
Q: Can my campus express a preference for a member state, leadership role, press corps, European Commission, etc.?
A: Please email sunymeu@buffalostate.edu to request a delegation or to be placed on a delegation. (We post an alter ego list of available roles on our website, which we update daily.)
Q: How do you assign member states and alter egos?
With respect to leadership roles, SUNYMEU organizers invite SUNYMEU veterans to play the Council Presidency, the European Council President, and the High Representative. The European Commission is kept open for a campus to request.
For SUNYMEU 2024:
European Council President (Charles Michel) will be played by Stony Brook University - SUNY
Hofstra University will play the Council (of Ministers) Presidency
John Jay College-CUNY plays the High Representative.
Q: How do I know which member states/roles are open?
Member State/Alter Ego Assignment page, select an open member state, then email sunymeu@buffalostate.edu with your request. We suggest you make your request at your very earliest convenience because once the spring semester begins we fill on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Q: No one on my campus wants to participate. How can I be placed on a member state delegation?
A: Contact us at sunymeu@buffalostate.edu. We can place you on a multi-campus team.
Member State and Alter Ego Assignment Table
Q: Is there a dress code for SUNYMEU?
A: Yes. Students and faculty wear business dress as suitable for a high-level meeting of EU and member states officials.
Q: Do students need a campus-based faculty advisor to participate in SUNYMEU?
A: No. Students may take the initative and organize a delegation even if they do not have a faculty member on their campus who is interested in advising a delegation. The Institute for European Union Studies publishes a training manual each year, offers virtual trainings by faculty who are EU scholars (recordings will be available), and the faculty & student organizers will assist delegations with any questions they may have.
Q: Do students need to attend a SUNY campus to participate in SUNYMEU?
A: Not at all! Students participate from CUNY, private colleges and universities throughout New York State, campuses in other U.S. states, Canada, and Europe.
Q: Is there a minimum or maximum number of students permitted to participate from a campus?
A: There is no minimum number. Member state delegations are comprised of four alter egos (roles): Head of government, foreign affairs minister, COREPER 2 (ambassador to the EU), and another minister - usually Finance Minister, but is sometimes another minister depending upon the priorities of the member state holding the EU Presidency. The maximum number is 16 (four member states or three member states and the Commission). However, if more than 16 students from a campus wish to participate, please contact the SUNYMEU organizers as we may have alter egos open in member states, the Commission, or the Press Corps. We will accommodate even one student - we often place students together in member state delegations from other campuses. Students use various social media platforms to communicate such as Snapchat and What's App as well as virtual meeting platforms such as Zoom and MSTeams.
Q: Can graduate students participate?
A: Yes, many graduate students have participated by taking roles on delegations. Furthermore, several doctoral students have served as graduate student advisers who are teaching assistants, teach courses at their home campuses, or adjunct teach at other campuses.
Q: How do I begin to prepare for SUNYMEU?
A: The IEUSS publishes an annual guide. It's nickname is "The Blue Book."
IEUSS Guide to the SUNY Model European Union (2024 Edition)
Q: Is it true the EU member state delegations and the European Commission have an opportunity to propose agenda items?
A: Yes, SUNYMEU is highly participatory both before and during the simulation. Delegations are encouraged to submit proposals (due date March 10, 2024). The Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Council President, the High Rep, the Commission President, and the Secretary General of the GS (the intercollegiate student leadership team) review the proposals, selecting four proposals to be used as the basis of the SUNYMEU agenda. (The General Secretariat collects and packages the proposals for the student leadership team.)
Student can win awards for proposals. At the end of SUNYMEU, students vote for first (outstanding), second (distinguished), and third (superior) place for most effective delegation and best agenda item. There are also awards for most effective head of government, most effective foreign minister, most effective finance minister, and most effective permanent representative.
Q: I am a faculty member and would like to learn more about SUNYMEU.
A: Please contact the IEUSS Director, Dr. Laurie Buonanno or IEUSS Chair, Dr. Greg Rabb.
Q: What's the role of faculty who attend SUNYMEU?
A: While students are not required to be accompanied by faculty, the IEUSS offers research panels/workshops/talks during SUNYMEU that may be of interest to some faculty. This annual conference provides an opportunity for faculty to present their research and network with other teacher-scholars of the EU.
The 2023 IEUSS Annual Conference was organized as a book workshop - The Future of the European Union- a book project that is being co-edited by Laurie Buonanno (SUNY Buffalo State University) and Carolyn Dudek (Hofstra University). The 2024 IEUSS Annual Conference will feature papers/discussions of topics related to the Future of Europe book project.
Another faculty-only event will be held on Saturday evening (dinner in the City of Buffalo).
Faculty are also encouraged to volunteer to serve as expert witnesses. The expert witness panel typically consists of four faculty who answer questions by participants about the agenda items in a session scheduled on Friday.
Q: Do faculty pay a registration fee?
A: For faculty who accompany students or are observing to learn more about SUNYMEU, no registration fee is collected. Faculty register for SUNYMEU, but when they note "faculty," SUNYMEU organizers will confirm their registration and will not email a conference registration bill.
Q: What is the registration fee for participating in SUNYMEU 2024?
A: $100/student. NO DELEGATION FEE. This registration fee covers the opening dinner banquet, two lunches, two coffee breaks, conference materials, and light refreshments at the closing reception. Breakfast is provided at Best Western on the Avenue, the SUNYMEU conference hotel.
Q: Do conference fees go toward salaries or stipends?
A: ABSOLUTELY NOT! Student and faculty organizers are volunteers - no salaries or wages are drawn from the registration fees. Fees cover meals/refreshments and, conference materials.
Q: Is there a registration deadline?
A: Yes, March 1, 2024 after which we can't guarantee that we can continue to hold alter ego assignments.
Q: Refunds?
A: We're sorry, but if you cancel after March 15, 2024 we can't issue a refund because we have paid for meals and conference materials.
Q: How do I pay?
A: If you are a student participant, please let us know how you would like to be billed on the registration form. Students and/or delegations will be able to pay via check, purchase order, MC, or VISA.
(Faculty advisers, IEUSS conference/workshop participants, and observers do not pay a registration fee.)
The form is pre-set for $100, but that amount can be changed by the person entering the payment information.
Questions about payment? Please contact Ms. Patricia Donhauser, Administrative Assistant, SUNY Buffalo State University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration. Contact info: donhaupg@buffalostate.edu/Phone: (716) 878-6116.
Payment by Debit or Credit Card
If the button does not work, here is the direct URL for credit/debit payment: https://quikpayasp.com/buffalostate/commerce_manager/payer.do?orderType=SUNYMEU
Q: Is lodging included in the registration?
A: No, lodging is separate. Our SUNYMEU conference hotel is the Best Western on the Avenue. Book by March 8th to qualify for the conference rate.
Q: How do I get to SUNY Buffalo State University?
A: Transportation information.
Q: How do I register for SUNYMEU?
A: We collect registration information on Google Forms.
Q: What is the due date for SUNYMEU registration?
A: Please register by March 1, 2024 to ensure we have an accurate count for caterers and conference materials.
Q: Is SUNYMEU 2024 an in-person event?
A: Yes.
Q: Is proof of COVID-19 vaccination required?
A: No. SUNY no longer requires vaccination proof for COVID-19.
Q: Are there are awards associated with SUNYMEU participation?
A: SUNYMEU participants vote electronically for awards at lunchtime on the last day of SUNYMEU.
Q: I need a certificate of completion - do you provide these?
A: Yes, at the closing ceremony each student receives a SUNYMEU Certificate of Completion from the Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY.
ABOUT SUNY Buffalo State.
Q: Where is the campus located?
A: In the heart of the City of Buffalo's museum district and Elmwood Village. Explore.
Updated March 10, 2024
Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY
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