Focus of The IEUSS Review of Books
The IEUSS Review of Books (IRB) is dedicated to reviewing books that promote understanding of the European integration project. In this vein, The IRB also welcomes reviews of textbooks written for courses in the government, politics, and policies of the European Union, both generally and with respect to institutions, policies, theory, and crises. The IRB also seeks book reviews that revisit some of the classic nonfiction books and novels informing and interrogating European integration - from World War I (such as Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front, Tuchman's The Guns of August, Hemingway's Farewell to Arms) to sweeping histories of modern Europe (such as Tony Judt's Postwar: A History of Europe). Reviewers are invited to consider these classics in the context of the European integration project in the 21st century. The IRB is also seeking histories of the major EU countries today, so as to bring out how profound the post war changes have been. These do not need to be academic histories but, rather, for example, influential works such as Alexander Werth's writings on France in the 1930s and Phillip Williams great work, Crisis and Compromise, which focused on immobilisme in the French Fourth Republic. Book reviewers from all disciplines are invited to contribute to The IRB.
Guidelines: Book reviews should be no more than 1000 words, including references, although longer reviews can be discussed with the editor in advance. Reviews can be written with either American or British spelling and punctuation. If including references, please use APA style.
If you would like to review a book for the IEUSS, please email
McCormick, John. 2020. Understanding the European Union: A Concise Introduction. 8th ed. Bloomsbury.
Valeria Fargion & Mamoudou Gazibo. 2021. Revisiting EU-Africa Relations in a Changing World. Edward Elgar.