The IEUSS sponsors the annual "Teaching and Resarching the European Union," typically scheduled during the same time and place as SUNYMEU. Our conferences/workshops have produced journal articles, book chapters, and edited books (European Union Enlargement, edited by Neill Nugent; The New Transatlanticism: Policies and Policy Perspectives edited by Laurie Buonanno, Natalia Cuglesan, and Keith Henderson). The 2023 IEUSS Workshop was focused on developing a book proposal. This book - The Future of European Public Policy: Challenges, Trends, and Opportunities - will be published by Bloomsbury Academic (Politics & International Relations list) under the editorship of Laurie Buonanno and Caroly Dudek.
The William Andrews Lecture
The IEUSS annual conference also features The William Andrews Lecture. This lecture is named for Dr. William "Bill" Andrews, a scholar of French politics and founder of the first intercollegiate simulation of the European Union "SUNY Model European Community" when he was on faculty at SUNY Brockport University. The IEUSS Board of Directors selects the honoree. Previous honoress include Michael Ambrosi (Professor Emeritus, Trier University, Germany), Laurie Buonanno (SUNY Buffalo State), Neill Nugent (Professor Emeritus, Manchester Metropolitan University - UK), Michael O'Neill (Professor, Nottingham-Trent University, UK), Henry Steck (Distinguished Service Professor, Emeritus, SUNY Cortland), Włodzimierz Batóg (Professor, University of Warsaw, Poland)
Conference Chairs: Dr. Laurie Buonanno (SUNY Buffalo State University) and Dr. Carolyn Dudek (Hofstra University)
The Future of Europe project is a cooperative research programme of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Modules at
Hofstra University (PI Carolyn Dudek) & SUNY Buffalo State University (PI Laurie Buonanno). The IEUSS 2023 conference featured presentations for a book proposal, which will be published by Bloomsbury Academic Politics & International Relations list on the title, The Future of European Public Policy: Challenges, Trends and Opportunities.
"The Future of Europe: Part II"
Following the highly successful IEUSS book workshop in 2023, this year's IEUSS 2024 research and teaching conference will feature the William Andrews Lecture, an Expert Witness Panel, and a new feature, "The European Union: Year in Review."
Conference Programme (download)
The Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module at Hofstra University
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module at SUNY Buffalo State University

Download conference program (pdf)
Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY
2023 Research Workshop
"The Future of Europe - Challenges and Priorities"
March 30-April 1, 2023
Hosted by the SUNY Global Center 116 East 55th Street, New York City
Sponsored by the IEUSS, Hofstra University's Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module, and SUNY Buffalo State University's Jean Monnet Module.
Institute for European Union Studies at the State University of New York (IEUSS)
"Workshop on the Future of Europe: Challenges and Priorities"
Following the recently concluded Conference on the Future of Europe, this workshop is organized to include papers addressing such European Union (EU) themes as the economy, social justice, culture/identity, digital transformation, institutional change, democracy/values and rights, rule of law, security, climate change, environment, health, migration, defence, foreign affairs, and the EU’s neighbourhood.
This in-person workshop will take place March 30-April 1 at the SUNY Global Center in New York City (116 East 55th Street). The workshop takes place simultaneously with SUNYMEU 2023. There is no fee to participate in the workshop (some meals will be provided) as noted on the schedule. Participants are responsible for travel and lodging. Lodging suggestions.
The workshop is preliminary to a planned volume on the future of Europe (editors, Laurie Buonanno and Carolyn Dudek).
The 2023 IEUSS Conference is Co-funded by the European Union Erasmus Jean Monnet Modules (Hofstra University, SUNY Buffalo State University, the Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY) and the SUNY Office of Global Affairs.

2023 IEUSS Conference Committee
Laurie Buonanno, SUNY Buffalo State, IEUSS Director
Natalia Cugelşan, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca -Romania, IEUSS Fellow
Mariam Dekanozishvili, Coastal Carolina University, IEUSS Fellow
Carolyn Dudek, Hofstra University, IEUSS Fellow
Neill Nugent, Professor Emeritus, Manchester Metropolitan University - UK, IEUSS Board Member