Support for IEUSS

IEUSS is funded by the SUNY Office of Global Affairs, participating SUNY campuses, grants, and fundraising.  

This is a list of some of the grants that have enabled the IEUSS to support teaching, research, and community engagement with respect to European Union studies:

European Commission  

February 2022-February 2025.  Erasmus + Jean Monnet Module.  Partnering with SUNY Buffalo State.  Three-year project.  Amount Funded: €30,000 ($32,646) PI  Laurie Buonanno 

SUNY Center for Online Learning (COIL) National Endowment for the Humanities Training Institute

2011-2013. Globally Networked Learning in the Humanities. Two-year institute—Developing globally-networked course, Transatlantic Public Administration & Policy with IEUSS partners SUNY Cortland, SUNY Buffalo State, Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) and Babeş Bolyai University (Romania). COIL provided training to support our team to co‐design and launch the course (approx. $20,000) PI Laurie Buonanno  

U.S. Department of Education - European Commission Atlantis Grant - "Excellence in Mobility - Transatlantic Public Administration"

2009-2013 (Partners - SUNY Buffalo State (LEAD), SUNY Cortland, Jamestown Community College - SUNY, Babes Bolyai University, Manchester Metropolitan University (LEAD), IEUSS)  $420,000 (approx. 1/2 each from US Department of Education and European Commission).  Supported faculty and student participation in SUNY Model EU throughout the grant cycle; faculty and student exchanges; student internships; development of globally-networked course and simulation; faculty research - workshops and conferences; research output - Buonanno, L., N. Cuglesan, K. Henderson. 2015.  (eds).  The New and Changing Transatlanticism: Politics and Policy Perspectives. New York: Routledge.  (Co-PIs Laurie Buonanno and Neill Nugent)

European Commission  

​2005   One-week Postgraduate EU Summer Institute at Chautauqua Institution; Online EU undergraduate course co-taught by faculty at SUNY Fredonia, Manchester Metropolitan University, SUNY Cortland, and Jamestown Community College - SUNY; Model European Union.  Amount Funded: €55,000 ($70,950)  PI Laurie Buonanno (Partners - SUNY Fredonia, IEUSS)

European Commission

2004.  Chautauqua Institution Postgraduate Summer Institute, Model European Uion 2004. Amount Funded: €14,400 ($17,568, December 8, 2003 exchange rate) PI Laurie Buonanno (Partners - IEUSS & SUNY Fredonia)

2005.  WNYRIC Teaching American History Program $8,561.  In-service training for teachers in Western New York, including simulation.  Facilitators, Michele Chang and Neill Nugent.  Delivered at SUNY Fredonia College Lodge, April 5.

SUNY Conversations in the Disciplines (two grants 2003 & 2009)

​Purpose: “The State of the Union: Reconsidering Europe After Enlargement” Amount Funded: $4,245.00 for April 2009 (at SUNY New Paltz)  (PI, Kathleen Dowley, SUNY New Paltz)  [Partners:  IEUSS, SUNY New Paltz (lead & conference host), SUNY Buffalo State, SUNY Cortland]

Purpose: “The Shape of Europe: The Future of the European Union”  Faculty Research Workshop/Conference, April 3-6, 2003, Amount Funded: $3,400            PI  Laurie Buonanno [Partners:  IEUSS, SUNY Fredonia (lead & conference host), SUNY Cortland, Jamestown Community College - SUNY, University at Buffalo - SUNY]

SUNY Office of International Programs (now SUNY Office of Global Affairs) 

To support activites associated with IEUSS - SUNYMEU, faculty research, graduate assistant (PI Laurie Buonanno)  $60,000 for the years 2003-2005.  SUNY Office of Global Affairs granted SUNYMEU funding with a budget of approximately $9000/year (2007-2020).  The SUNY Office of Global Affairs continues to provide in-kind support to SUNYMEU, including no-fee rental of the SUNY Global Center in NYC.

Short-listed Grant Proposals

SUNY European Union Centre of Excellence in the IEUSS (location - New York City).  European Commission (short-listed/first-alternate, June 2011)       First Alternate.  Laurie Buonanno, Kathleen Dowley, Sally Crimmins Villela were the lead grant writers.  Submitted by the SUNY Office of Global Affairs for a SUNY European Union Centre of Excellence (€300,000/3 years) PI Mitch Leventhal (Provost, SUNY Office of Global Affairs)

SUNY European Union Centre of Excellence (location - Buffalo, New York) - European Commission. Grant application submitted by University at Buffalo - SUNY with SUNY Cortland and SUNY Fredonia,  PI Munroe Eagles shortlisted 2001. (served as model for establishment of the Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY)


Last updated February 5, 2025