Erasmus + Jean Monnet Module (2022-2024)
The IEUSS and SUNY Buffalo State co-managed an Erasmus+ project - Jean Monnet Module. (Projected) dates of the project were from 1 February 2022-31 December 2024.
The Principal Investigator for this Jean Monnet Module is Dr. Laurie Buonanno.
Project Summary
The objective of EUAFPART is to infuse teaching and scholarship about the European Union (EU) into the BA Africana Studies, BA International Relations, BA Political Science, and MPA degree programs at SUNY Buffalo State (BSC) and, through BSC’s partnership with the Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY (IEUSS), promote knowledge and enhance visibility of the EU throughout New York State. The overarching theme of EUAFPART will be the EU as a global actor, with a specific theme of EU-Africa Relations. These themes will frame the infusion of EU content into BSC courses, annual research conferences, a speakers series, Study Mission of EU Institutions, intercollegiate simulation of the EU (SUNYMEU), and an African Union (AU)-EU Summit simulation for high school students co-sponsored by BSC and IEUSS. Outreach will be to secondary and postsecondary educators (through SUNYMEU and the AU-EU Summit simulation), public and nonprofit sector leaders (course content, speakers series, SUNYMEU) and the local media. A minimum of 300 individuals per annum will participate in program activities and many more through dissemination of work products. Sustainability of funded activities through permanent EU content in BSC undergraduate and graduate courses and BSC leadership and involvement in the following annual events: SUNYMEU, AU-EU Summit simulation, the EU Study Mission, and the IEUSS research conference. Work products will consist of course syllabi for EU-infused courses, an edited book published by the IEUSS as an OER on EU-Africa Relations, 2 articles published in peer-reviewed journals and/or as IEUSS Working Papers, 3 book reviews published to the IEUSS Review of Books focusing on EU as global actor/EU-Africa Relations, a manual for running an AU-EU Summit simulation, and The IEUSS Guide to the SUNY Model European Union. Guaranteed wide dissemination by uploading work products as OERs to three websites: Erasmus+, BSC, and IEUSS.
EUAFPART Program Objectives
1. Infuse several degree-granting curricula at SUNY Buffalo State (BSC) with EU content.
2. Promote teaching and research on the themes of the “EU as a Global Actor/European Union-Africa Relations” at BSC and the Institute for European Union Studies at SUNY (IEUSS).
3. Utilize experiential education to teach the EU at BSC and with IEUSS, throughout SUNY.
4. Outreach to local, state, and federal government politicians and civil servants.
5. Outreach to leaders in the nonprofit sector.
6. Outreach to secondary and postsecondary educators.
7. Disseminate work products through BSC, the IEUSS, and the Erasmus+ web platforms.
8. Build sustainable EU content into BSC’s curriculum and by partnering with the IEUSS, to faculty and students throughout the SUNY system
For more information about this project please contact Dr. Laurie Buonanno, PI and JM project coordinator.

Updated 31 December 2024